Saturday, December 8, 2007

Snow Day, Blog Day

It really feels like winter today and I've been battling a severe case of cabin fever. Cold, cold weather and not enough snow to play in. So, in putting off a long list of Christmas "to do's" I've decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. Nothing like a new project to get me going! No more excuses that I don't have time - okay, I really don't but I am prepared to start staying up past my bedtime. Or perhaps I'll get in the groove and manage to keep up with Sophie, Thomas, and well, our house while sharing some thoughts along the way. Ah, but where to start? I frequently think "oh, I could blog about that if I had a blog" - and now that I do (have a blog) I've got nothing. Like I said before - cold, cold day. Sophie and I did watch Little Women though, my favorite movie of all time:)

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